Tagged by Dave

Dave tagged me to blog

Five Things Most People Don't Know About Me

- I quit my job selling cookware in order to join a company selling encyclopedias ... er, I mean ' home learning programs'.   
#1 - I was an encyclopedia salesman.

I never wrote for the high school newspaper or literary magazine and am not known as a very active blogger, but...
#2  - I was voted CHS Class of '84 'Class Author'.

The only surgery I've had is eye surgery - once when I was 22 months old and once when I was 22 years old.  I was told that the second surgery should straighten me out for about 20 years, but after that the right eye might start wandering again because
#3 - I have a lazy eye.

I like to think of myself as a 'man of peace'.  Other than scuffling with my sister on the sofa in my youth, I've never actually hit another another person. However, I find myself watching UFC ever chance I get and and even look for old bouts on YouTube because
#4 - I love watching  mixed martial arts. 

I'm a snacker in general - I graze a lot between meals and the food that I could eat endlessly if I wasn't  concerned about resulting obesity would be nuts.  At the risk of sounding like that girl on the bad date commercial, I like almost all of them - peanuts, cashews, almonds, pistachios.  Not very fond of hazlenuts though.  In any event,
#5 - I'm nuts about nuts.

Alright, it took me two months to finish, but I finally did and now there's vey few left in the blogosphere to tag. I know, I'll tag my EFL537 students who are just now beginning to build their blogs. So Alice, Eva, Jamie, Joy, Kelly, Thuy & Zoe, consider yourselves tagged.