
More WB Development Thoughts..


 If you have  a question you'd like to ask about Worldbridges, please post it here and we'll do our best to addresss it during an upcoming Worldbridges General Assembly.


Town Hall / General Assembly Agenda

What is Worldbridges?
What is a Worldbridges Town Hall?
Those managing  a Worldbridges community discuss aspects of development and address questions from members
What does it mean to be a 'member' of Worldbridges?  (costs, benifits)

What is the budget of Worldbridges?
Who owns Worldbridges?
Starting rate - 100pts = $1
Worldbridges Points (Currency)
a blog on costs 20pts/year
Media Storage Space costs... 2pts/MB
Server Coop Member Acct 20GB/1 stream/ shared 20MBS connection

Trademark Copyright Policies

To what extent to we own the Worldbridges Brand, how can it fairly be used by others

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