2012 Goals, Projects, and Edtechosphere updates
00:00 pgeorge: love the drawings on the board behind you John--can you tell about them?
00:01 guest-1417: can a rhizome ever be finished?
00:01 pgeorge: exactly what I was thinking Jim :-)
00:03 pgeorge: Welcome Dr. Jennifer!
00:03 guest-1421: yeah... agreed re: rhizome
00:04 pgeorge: you're willing to move Jen?
00:06 pgeorge: hahaha-new salad spinner :-)
00:06 pgeorge: wow Jeff!! how exciting!
00:07 pgeorge: I got a Kindle Fire for Christmas and love it!!
00:09 wayupnorth: sleigh bed - nice
00:10 guest-1423: Hello.
00:10 pgeorge: must be Jeff's? is it?
00:10 pgeorge: Hi Benjamin and wayupnorth
00:10 Jeff: Hello Benjamin & WayUpNorth
00:10 guest-1430: I can't get over how little snow in Canada ... crazy
00:10 pgeorge: not sure who is monitoring this chat--they are all in the Google Hangout
00:10 pgeorge: hi Jen :-)
00:10 Jeff: climate change
00:10 guest-1421: heyo
00:10 guest-1421: i'm here :)
00:11 wayupnorth: I'm Jim Stauffer - EdTech talk froze so I refreshed and logged in a bit back
00:11 pgeorge: hi Dave :-) not feeling so lonely now... :-)
00:11 guest-1430: Happy (belated) new year!
00:11 guest-1423: Is Google Hangout live, live yet?
00:11 Jeff: what do you mean by 'live, live'
00:12 guest-1423: Have they implemented hangout live?
00:12 guest-1423: Hangouts that broadcast out to many...
00:12 guest-1423: Ok. thanks
00:12 wayupnorth: Sounds like something in Change 11 recently, showing colleagues/Jeffistrators goes so much farther than '
00:13 wayupnorth: telling
00:13 pgeorge: got kicked out...back now
00:14 Jeff: video stream stopped working? or text chat?
00:14 pgeorge: I had a great session with Cheri Toledo and Brian Wojcik via Skype for a Faculty Symposium re PLN, twitter and making connections. Really fun!
00:15 pgeorge: got bounced from whole page and sent back to home page.
00:15 Jeff: hmmmmmm
00:15 pgeorge: firefox
00:16 guest-1423: That's a cultural shift...talking with people you don't know, online.
00:16 pgeorge: I feel like I know many of my online friends better than I know my f2f friends :-)
00:17 guest-1423: It's one thing to know how to use Google+ hangout, it's another to feel comfortable to talk with those who have opposing views or those who you do not know.
00:17 pgeorge: agree Benjamin
00:17 wayupnorth: I'm taking the plunge - giving up some of my prejudice against FB as a gossip space - and creating my account next week. It's for education - my students are all on it.
00:17 guest-1423: philosophical, ethical, and pedagogical factors, more than simply techical
00:17 pgeorge: knowing how to use the tool is very different than using it to communicate important ideas :-)
00:18 guest-1423: ...technical factors
00:18 pgeorge: Jeff!!!!!
00:19 pgeorge: but twitter and facebook are recorded text :-)
00:20 pgeorge: you are the king of openness Jeff!
00:20 guest-1423: I've found many teachers are protective of their knowledge and practice, for various reasons.
00:20 pgeorge: where did Jeff go?
00:21 pgeorge: aha
00:21 pgeorge: hiding out
00:21 Jeff: hangout is lopsided tonight
00:21 pgeorge: seeing Dave twice
00:21 guest-1430: @Ben ... yes ... I think adoption in a "corporate" setting is / will be even harder for the "protective of knowledge" problem
00:21 pgeorge: big picture and in the bottom pics too
00:22 pgeorge: or Livebinders or Symbaloo or ....
00:22 guest-1430: ... for example ... using social networking in corporate training has a host of issues ... sharing company trade secrets, etc
00:23 pgeorge: wikimedia?
00:23 Jeff: http://www.wikibooks.org/
00:23 pgeorge: Livebinders and Symbaloo are both great organizing kinds of sites for websites/ materials on a topic
00:24 guest-1423: summify
00:24 pgeorge: scoop.it will not let you organize but Livebinders ir organized, filtered and easily reorganized--allows collaboration too
00:24 guest-1423: distributed assessment of sorts
00:25 Jeff: http://wikieducator.org/OER_university/Home
00:25 guest-1423: Is shared keystone assessments result, I'm all for it (OERu)!
00:26 pgeorge: I've heard some of the complaints from on campus students at Stanford about the iTunesU efforts--think it's watering down their education for the masses
00:26 guest-1423: Because they're not online. :)
00:27 guest-1423: The teachers I hear who are against online learning, don't learn online.
00:27 pgeorge: they say it's because they are designing the courses to meet the needs of a much wider audience and they lack depth
00:27 wayupnorth: On-location (brick & mortar) education requires less responsibility on the part of the learner
00:27 Jeff: I agree
00:27 wayupnorth: On-line makes it more difficult to depend on the teacher
00:28 pgeorge: I think so too wayupnorth
00:28 pgeorge: can't hide online :-)
00:29 pgeorge: that's what the Stanford students say--they're not getting a $50,000 education because of the iTunesU courses
00:29 guest-1423: More autonomous
00:30 wayupnorth: Credentials or knowledge
00:30 pgeorge: a "paper" that has some credibility behind it
00:30 wayupnorth: Credentials or ability
00:30 pgeorge: respected as a credible institution
00:31 pgeorge: they had doctorates like that at UMass-Amherst back in the 70's :-) create your own degree
00:31 pgeorge: very progressive at that time
00:31 guest-1423: To impress, you'll need a good digital "footprint" digital id, whatever. You'll need to provide evidence of what you know and can do. This goes beyond just the degree.
00:32 wayupnorth: @benjamin - agree on evidence
00:33 pgeorge: a lot of universities aren't there yet re digital footprint necessity or even digital evidence of ability--still looking for the traditional credentials-teaching, writing, publishing, research
00:33 guest-1423: Very happy with Northcentral's doctoral program (100% online). :)
00:34 pgeorge: great to know Benjamin!
00:34 guest-1423: @pgeorge, absolutely
00:34 pgeorge: I never thought of paying a mentor during my doctorate...
00:34 guest-1430: ... and just to clarify ... both my Masters and PhD were 100% at a distance ... :)
00:34 guest-1423: Same here...
00:34 pgeorge: mine were f2f but online wasn't an option at that time
00:36 pgeorge: hahaha!!! change11
00:36 pgeorge: blushing even shows up in hangout :-)
00:36 guest-1421: http://edgex.in
00:37 Jeff: Howard Rheingold session: http://jefflebow.net/node/277
00:37 pgeorge: and I understand Sharon Peters is moving to India
00:37 wayupnorth: is this on-line?
00:38 pgeorge: is what online?
00:38 wayupnorth: Is Edge X on-line - will we be able to view it?
00:38 wayupnorth: or join in harassing Dave:)
00:39 guest-1418: Sharon is moving to India, yes.
00:39 pgeorge: probably not--all those "big name" people :-)
00:39 guest-1423: Here's the schedule: http://edgex.in/schedule.html
00:39 wayupnorth: I want a video version of Dave's book - just won't be the same without facial expressions
00:39 pgeorge: pretty awesome lineup of speakers!
00:40 pgeorge: funny wayupnorth!
00:42 pgeorge: I like the way Wes Fryer wrote his Playing with Media book with all of the multimedia as part of the ePub
00:42 guest-1421: i don't know if edgex is going to be online... still waiting for details
00:43 pgeorge: keep us posted Dave. Would love to see some of it!
00:44 guest-1418: Columbus Document: Edtechtalk policies and standards http://www.edtechtalk.com/node/1492
00:44 pgeorge: I agree with your interpretation Jeff. Civil discourse
00:45 guest-1430: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/15/opinion/sunday/the-rise-of-the-new-gro...
00:46 pgeorge: yes about 9 minutes off with time stamps
00:46 wayupnorth: 18:54
00:46 pgeorge: Jeff you should tell about the PechaFlickr session this morning. It was so much fun!
00:46 wayupnorth: are you talking about EdTech chat or Hangouts?
00:46 pgeorge: I love the new chat room!!
00:47 dave: now i iz manager
00:47 pgeorge: can type, copy/paste urls, click on links!
00:47 guest-1423: signing off, thanks everyone.
00:47 pgeorge: totally awesome stuff going on with EVonline
00:47 dave: n
00:47 dave: cheers
00:47 pgeorge: can even copy/paste the chat :-) huge improvements!
00:48 pgeorge: a link dump show would be fun
00:48 pgeorge: great to have you back!
00:49 pgeorge: I like that idea Jen--magical vs messy
00:49 pgeorge: :-)
00:49 guest-1437: Miss the link dump shows
00:49 pgeorge: I do too Sue
00:49 pgeorge: you can do better with the title...
00:49 wayupnorth: I have a question about livestream - do I have to use Procaster to stream my desktop?
00:50 wayupnorth: Can magical be planned?
00:50 pgeorge: I think Procaster is the latest tool for Livestream
00:50 pgeorge: can't wait to participate in educonphilly virtually!
00:51 pgeorge: they know how to stream and still keep conversations authentic
00:51 pgeorge: some presenters do better with engaging the online audience than others
00:51 wayupnorth: That's a definite skill to develop
00:51 pgeorge: procaster
00:51 guest-1430: @way ... magical can't be planned (probably), but planning for what to do to when things get messy is probably a good idea :)
00:52 wayupnorth: all I could find in studio was webcam or video
00:52 pgeorge: really enjoyed the conversation tonight :-)
00:52 wayupnorth: some day I may get the courage to join a hangout again
00:52 pgeorge: I think it says Livestream is using Procaster
00:53 Jeff: Open Hangout Begins - Hangout at: https://talkgadget.google.com/hangouts/b895737b0c106e407c3c107f54b506273...
00:53 Jeff: Please feel free to join in
00:53 pgeorge: http://www.livestream.com/platform/procaster
00:53 pgeorge: thanks Jeff
00:54 pgeorge: :-)
00:54 pgeorge: hahaha
00:54 pgeorge: he's a busy man
00:54 pgeorge: talk about what
00:55 pgeorge: inspirational talk?
00:55 pgeorge: will there be a technology focus John?
00:55 pgeorge: I agree about Alec
00:56 pgeorge: I thought Dave Truss did an outstanding video presentation for K12 Online re Transforming Education
00:57 pgeorge: right-don't focus on tools but just wondered about the kind of inspiration you were thinking of
00:57 wayupnorth: Thanks all - gotta run
00:57 pgeorge: Alvin Trusty is great
00:58 pgeorge: do you want a faculty member (higher ed)?
00:59 pgeorge: but you want someone giving a new message and not one they've given for years
00:59 pgeorge: I think Joyce Valenza does some great presentations
01:00 pgeorge: hahahaha
01:01 pgeorge: yes Edmodo is really growing in popularity among educators
01:01 guest-1418: Joyce is a goddess among my media specialists.
01:01 pgeorge: especially with education gamification
01:01 pgeorge: some great professional groups on Edmodo now
01:01 Jeff: http://coursekit.com/
01:01 pgeorge: me too John!
01:02 pgeorge: Pearson is supporting partial funding of Ning networks for educators
01:02 pgeorge: Blackboard has a long way to go to embrace openness
01:03 pgeorge: great comment--cold here, can't fool around...
01:03 pgeorge: dead birds are not as bad as dead mice :-)
01:03 pgeorge: funny!
01:04 pgeorge: the things you'll do to sell your house!
01:04 pgeorge: very creative marketing Dave
01:05 pgeorge: Pearson textbooks are incredible expensive!!
01:05 pgeorge: I agree Jeff!!
01:06 pgeorge: Jeff are you late for your next gig?
01:06 Jeff: This is the next gig
01:06 pgeorge: aha :-)
01:06 Jeff: just waiting for more folks to join
01:06 Jeff: https://talkgadget.google.com/hangouts/b895737b0c106e407c3c107f54b506273...
01:06 pgeorge: laughing hysterically! 1 tweet per chapter
01:07 pgeorge: bye everyone!
01:07 Jeff: Join in Peggy
01:07 pgeorge: :-)
01:07 pgeorge: no more questions...
01:08 pgeorge: I love the integration of hangout and livestream but the biggest problem is getting the chat going in both of them
01:08 pgeorge: always problems with Teachers Teaching Teachers
01:09 pgeorge: betting both sides of the conversation talking to each other (ETT and Hangout)
01:10 pgeorge: have you check out anymeeting? lots of possibilities
01:11 pgeorge: busan instead of pusan?
01:11 Jeff: yep
01:12 Jeff: http://www.bufs.ac.kr/
01:12 Jeff: http://pufsttp2011.blogspot.com/
01:13 guest-1430: http://dsink.com/
01:13 pgeorge: I wish the curriculum design ETT show would come back--loved it
01:13 Jeff: I agree
01:15 pgeorge: sounds like some of the work that Ken Blanchard does
01:15 pgeorge: Training Magazine Network has some great webinars for corporate-orientated issues
01:16 pgeorge: good rationale Jen
01:17 pgeorge: Jeff, what kind of time is required for post-production of these sessions? Is it recorded simultaneously and posted instantly?
01:17 Jeff: Hangout at: https://talkgadget.google.com/hangouts/b895737b0c106e407c3c107f54b506273...
01:17 pgeorge: everyone is doing their EVO homework :-)
01:18 pgeorge: they are great! I go to many of them and they often have 150-200 people in their free webinars
01:19 pgeorge: professional liability insurance--never thought of that...
01:19 pgeorge: is it just for materials things or controversial topics?
01:19 pgeorge: I'm retired :-)
01:19 pgeorge: I have time to do these things
01:19 pgeorge: yes
01:20 pgeorge: I participate in lots of webinars and virtual conferences if they are free :-)
01:20 pgeorge: teacher associations always provide liability insurance for teachers
01:20 guest-1430: http://www.ftj.com/ISPI
01:21 pgeorge: thanks for the link
01:22 pgeorge: hate the idea that we need liability ins urance as educators
01:22 pgeorge: student teachers thinks they need it
01:22 pgeorge: they get it through student membership in NEA in the US
01:23 pgeorge: I love my new Kindle Fire :-)
01:23 pgeorge: me too Jen except when it goes wild
01:24 pgeorge: can you put the data in the cloud?
01:25 pgeorge: removed something improperly?
01:25 pgeorge: stopping in the middle can cause problems
01:26 pgeorge: hahaha
01:26 pgeorge: still may give you an error message even if it doesn't cause problems
01:26 pgeorge: so true Jeff
01:26 guest-1439: BTW... Does anyone else feel this is a problem http://bit.ly/Aj4zj2.
01:26 pgeorge: look at that
01:27 pgeorge: nice office :-)
01:27 pgeorge: hello to nina too
01:28 Jeff: Please feel free to join hangout. It's at: https://talkgadget.google.com/hangouts/b895737b0c106e407c3c107f54b506273...
01:28 pgeorge: I should be doing my EVO homework--signed up for multiliteracies course with Vance
01:28 pgeorge: do you cook Jeff?
01:29 pgeorge: tell me :-)
01:29 pgeorge: love that story!
01:29 pgeorge: hi Vance! I just dropped your name...
01:29 pgeorge: Vance always has the greatest smile!
01:29 pgeorge: I'm EVO
01:30 pgeorge: we've talked about other things too!
01:30 guest-1439: K ...not coo
01:31 guest-1439: ..not cool ... I'm bailing have a nice non Ed tech chat
01:31 pgeorge: Tell Vance I promise I'll get going on my homework for multiliteracies :-) joined a bunch of stuff and read intros but have to write my own
01:31 pgeorge: you missed the ed tech chat earlier--sorry
01:32 pgeorge: vance is still frozen
01:32 pgeorge: yes
01:32 pgeorge: why don't people sign in with their real names?
01:32 pgeorge: that's good news Vance
01:33 pgeorge: Vance is leading the multiliteracies EVO course for us :-)
01:33 pgeorge: http://learning2gether.pbworks.com/w/page/32206114/volunteersneeded
01:34 guest-1430: that is title of Jeff's (future book) ... It is all about the conversation!
01:34 pgeorge: the PechaFlickr experience this morning was a fun way to make people feel comfortable on camera
01:35 pgeorge: I thought the IWB session with Barbara Gardner was really interactive and informative
01:36 guest-1430: http://webheadsinaction.org/live
01:36 pgeorge: Vance's camera is still frozen for me
01:36 pgeorge: come to Phoenix Jeff
01:37 pgeorge: you have to go through Phoenix to get to CA or back to NH :-)
01:37 pgeorge: the food is cheap
01:37 pgeorge: Hi Nina
01:38 pgeorge: no we don't
01:38 Jeff: https://plus.google.com/photos/105999634356572746040/albums/567392695819...
01:38 pgeorge: they didn't add any chat
01:40 pgeorge: only message in chat: (18:26:50) 21st c tech rebel (guest-1439): BTW... Does anyone else feel this is a problem http://bit.ly/Aj4zj2.
01:41 pgeorge: the first week for EVO-multiliteracies was a busy one trying to figure everything out
01:41 pgeorge: which session has 500 people?
01:41 Jeff: Digital Tools
01:41 pgeorge: ok
01:42 pgeorge: digests are more manageable but you have to wait an entire day to get the info
01:42 pgeorge: what's the link for digital tools?
01:42 pgeorge: we're not using Edmodo for multiliteracies
01:43 Jeff: http://evosessions.pbworks.com/w/page/48526238/Digital_Tools2012
01:43 pgeorge: thanks
01:44 pgeorge: what did they do with the technology matrix?
01:44 pgeorge: we have a great one in Arizona
01:44 pgeorge: modeled after the Florida technology integration matrix
01:45 pgeorge: this is the AZ Tech integration matrix http://www.azk12.org/tim/index.shtml
01:45 Jeff: http://fcit.usf.edu/matrix/matrix.php
01:45 pgeorge: there are lots of levels of use in the AZ matrix with video examples for each one
01:46 pgeorge: that's the Florida matrix-I like the AZ one better
01:46 pgeorge: look at the AZ matrix--no judgement involved--just ways to grow
01:47 Jeff: http://fcit.usf.edu/matrix/matrix.php
01:47 pgeorge: the fcit link is Florida
01:47 pgeorge: the azk12 matrix is Arizona
01:47 pgeorge: the matrix isn't prescriptive or judgemental
01:48 pgeorge: please share the AZ matrix with the other chat :-)
01:48 pgeorge: no not a taxonomy
01:48 pgeorge: no--stages of development
01:49 pgeorge: please look at the AZ matrix--http://www.azk12.org/tim/index.shtml
01:50 pgeorge: we did an entire webinar on it in Classroom 2.0 LIVE and it would help for understanding
01:51 pgeorge: http://live.classroom20.com/1/post/2011/09/arizona-technology-integratio...
01:51 pgeorge: you SHOULDN'T be in one place on the matrix...
01:53 pgeorge: there's a place for both and the synchronous sessions are a bit problematic because of time zones
01:54 pgeorge: it wasn't last night for me :-) early morning
01:54 pgeorge: have a great day Vance
01:54 pgeorge: see you all later-fun night
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