January 15, 2012
Participants: Catherine Boissier, Dilian Ortíz, Marijana Smolcec, Hala Fawzi, Mbarek Akaddar, Carla Arena, Vance Stevens, & Jeff Lebow
09:41 Jeff: Hello Dilian - going to start streaming soon
09:49 Jeff: stream is now on, but you probably need to reload this page in order for it to work
09:52 Catherine: I can see & hear you but that's about as far as I've got. I haven't even signed in to anything.
09:53 Jeff: Hi Catherine. Hangout is here: http://bit.ly/zIUe2E (RIGHT Click/ Open in new tab)
09:57 Catherine: Hi again Jeff. Thanks for being there! Hopa you can't see & here me yet 'cos I'm still in pyjamas! I'm trying to open up the new link...See you later!
10:03 Catherine: Wow, I'm following but it's just a load of echos - can you follow that?
10:16 guest-599: Hello from Spain
10:18 guest-599: Thank you
10:18 Jeff: Sorry - I meant Nora :)
10:31 Jeff: Just a reminder, if you'd like to join hangout, the link is: http://bit.ly/zIUe2E
10:40 Nora: Hello from Colombia, a Sunday morning. I'm trying to catch up the discussion.
10:40 Jeff: Hello Nora
10:40 Nora: Hello everyone.
10:41 Jeff: To join the hangout, go to: http://bit.ly/zIUe2E (Right click, open new tab)
10:41 guest-421: Hi NOra, come and join us in Google+hnagout
10:42 Nora: OK. I'll try. This is the first time I do it
10:56 guest-600: Hi all :-)
10:58 Jeff: Hello Mbarek. Hangout at: http://bit.ly/zIUe2E (Right click, open new tab)
10:59 Nora: My learners are very shy and they block themselves when they cannot pronounce correctly
11:00 Jeff: Where are you Nora?
11:00 Nora: In Colombia, LA
11:07 Nora: norachope
11:09 Nora: My full name is Nora Choperena
11:18 Nora: For beginners, too much information and too many things to do is really hard to manage.
11:20 guest-421: Hi caral, Mbarek, nice to see and hear you! :) Cooking lunch so can't join
11:20 Jeff: Could find you on G+ . Try connecting with me at: https://plus.google.com/u/0/105999634356572746040/posts
11:20 guest-421: Carla* sorry
11:21 Jeff: to Nora
11:21 Nora: Ok. Thank you Jeff.
11:22 guest-421: Hi Vance
11:23 guest-293: Hey all, I am enjoying peeking at the live stream right now. The more things happening at once the more likely I am to simply watch.
11:24 Jeff: Feel free to tune in if you like. Hangout at: http://bit.ly/zIUe2E
11:25 Jeff: I meant join in :)
11:31 guest-293: Yes we can hear you now.
11:22 guest-421: Hi Vance
11:23 guest-293: Hey all, I am enjoying peeking at the live stream right now. The more things happening at once the more likely I am to simply watch.
11:24 Jeff: Feel free to tune in if you like. Hangout at: http://bit.ly/zIUe2E
11:25 Jeff: I meant join in :)
11:31 guest-293: Yes we can hear you now.
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