EVO 2012 Launch Webcast

EVO Launch Webcast
January 8, 2012

Elizabeth Hanson-Smith's profile photoElizabeth Hanson-Smith, Vance Stevens's profile photoVance Stevens, Sandra Rogers's profile photoSandra Rogers,
Marijana Smolcec's profile photoMarijana Smolcec, Ayat tawel, Lawan Dalha's profile photoLawan Dalha,  Fernanda Rodrigues,
Tuba Angay's profile photoTuba Angay, D Smart's profile photoD Smart, Ludmila Smirnova's profile photoLudmila Smirnova,  Laura Stoutenburg, antonella sanna,
Cholpon Musaeva's profile photoCholpon Musaeva, Susan Burg's profile photoSusan Burg, Chuck Sandy's profile photoChuck Sandy, Nellie Deutsch's profile photoNellie Deutsch,
Figen O?uzmert's profile photoFigen O?uzmert, mbarek akaddar's profile photombarek akaddar, Anooja Nair, Elizabeth Anne's profile photoElizabeth Anne, shelwyn corrigan, 
Larissa Olesova's profile photoLarissa Olesova, Heike Philp's profile photoHeike Philp, Maria Laura Bargas, Graham Stanley's profile photoGraham Stanley,
Shelly Sanchez Terrell's profile photoShelly Sanchez Terrell, Laura Stoutenburg, Barbara Hoskins Sakamoto's profile photoBarbara Hoskins Sakamoto, Jose Antonio Silva's profile photoJose Antonio Silva,
LETIZIA CINGANOTTO's profile photoLetizia Cinganotto, Nina Lyulkun's profile photoNina Lyulkun, & Jeffrey Lebow's profile photoJeff Lebow

Part 1

Part 2
Becoming a Webhead 2012Multiliteracies for Social Networking and Collaborative Learning EnvironmentsTESOL-Drama Workshop: Implementing and Evaluating the Facilitation of English Language learning through Drama
Digital Storytelling for Young LearnersDigital Tools with Purpose in the ClassroomPLEs and PLNs for Lifelong Learning
Teaching and Language Learning Through GamificationMachinEVO
Video Productions of Language Learning Conversations
Teaching English to Young Learners and Teens
Developing our Mentoring SkillsMOODLE for TeachersPodcasting for the EFL/ESL Classroom
Social Networking: Making it Work for You and Your Students!
Tutoring with Web 2.0 Tools - Designing for Social Presence

Recording of our EVO Prep Session
January 1, 2012

Participants: Vance Stevens, Scott lockman, Jenny Ankenbauer, Nina Lyulkun, Kalyan Chattopadhyay, Sandra Rogers, Michael Coghlan, David Weksler, Maryanne Burgos, & Jeff Lebow

  • 2012evo
  • evo2012
  • webheads
  • webcasts
  • coolcast