Lebow's ENG220


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November 6

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Oct. 30

English Central Assignment:  Aesop's Fable: The Salt Merchant and the Ass

Midterm Exam
Part 1

The midterm will be a 5~10 minute one-on-one conversation with Jeff.  We’ll start off with a bit of ‘small talk’ and then focus on a topic of your choice. This can be a topic we’ve discussed in class (e.g. food, holidays, success) or something else (e.g. your job, politics, travel).  It might be helpful to ‘gather your thoughts’ about that topic beforehand, but please do not memorize answers to specific questions.  

Conversations will take place at my office (IT508) on Tuesday, Oct. 16 from 5:30~8:00pm
Speak the following video on English Central:   Aimee Mullins: Because Your're Worth It
Please complete that by Oct. 17 at 10pm. .


ENG 220

English Conversation Practice 2, Fall 2012

Tuesdays: 6-8pm, Wednesdays 8~9pm

Instructor: Jeff Lebow
Office: IT508 Phone: 640-3708 Office Hours: Tuesdays 4~6pm
Email: pufslebow at gmail dot com Course Website: JeffLebow.net/eng220

I. Description:
The aim of this course is to help students develop their ability to participate in meaningful English discussions by improving their communicative strategies, functional vocabulary, and pronunciation skills. Students will actively engage with each other and with the instructor in an effort to improve their speaking skills in a variety of contexts.

II. Course textbook
English Central Pro  by Sara Davila
This book
costs W29,000 and must be purchased in order to take (and pass) this course.  Each book comes with a unique code that will enable you to use the EnglishCentral.com website for the semester.

III. Instruction Methods:
Each week, we will cover one or two discussion topics. The topics will usually be introduced with the textbook or supplemental materials. Students will then discuss topics in small groups, with partners, and/or as a whole group.

Topics will primarily be taken from the textbook and will cover issues from daily life, society, technology, and lifestyle. Grammatical features such as comparatives and superlatives will be covered. Also covered in the course will be conversational features of spoken English such as re-statements and repairs, topic shifts and nominations.

There will also be supplemental activities using the EnglishCentral.com website.  This will provide students with extensive opportunities for listening, pronunciation, and vocabulary development.

IV. Grading
Students will be assessed according to the following criteria

20% Attendance & Participation
20% Class Work
20% Homework
20% Mid-Term
20% Final Exam

  Grades will be distributed based on the required university quotas:  35% A’s, 35% B’s,  30%C’s

V. Schedule
We will generally go through the textbook topics in sequential order, but the schedule may vary depending on student interest and class ‘flow’.

Instructor Notes
Please make every effort to arrive on time. Those arriving more than five minutes late will be marked tardy. Those more than 20 minutes late will be marked absent for that hour. If you are absent, but have an official excuse form, please submit a copy to me. Please also send me an email explaining in English why you were absent. Students are responsible for completing all assignments (in class and homework) that they missed because of absences (excused or otherwise) Please turn cell phones off (not just silenced) unless they are being used as part of a class activity.

This syllabus is subject to change according to the needs of class participants and/or because of occasional schedule interruptions due to holidays or other events.

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